I've never been one to keep a diary. If I take the time to write out my thoughts, they've been bouncing around my head for far too long. Here I hope to curate a safe space for my thoughts and opinions, a space where I can release the pressure valve and cultivate magic for my mental health and creative powers. There will be absurd humor, angry ranting, healing anecdotes, and hopefully some education and connection. If you want to read about conservative values or comfortable topics, see yourself out. Much of the art I create is to illustrate the discomfort I feel existing in a world without magic. Some readers may be thinking, "What the fuck is this witch talking about?". We live in a world where equality, compassion, and empathy (among other things) are considered unrealistic and out of reach. You know, like magic. Existence is pain, but occasionally we can laugh at its absurdity and fill ourselves with joy. Connection is love, and we live in a very disconnected society (despite having seemingly limitless avenues for connection). So here I am attempting to weave a magic spell, on the internet, to fill the void of emptiness. My attempts may seem futile, but I assure you, every attempt is a thread I weave to bring magic back.